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About Us



Our mission is to provide   effective learning   opportunities and innovate   programs targeting young   young children.To always advocate and   respect the best interest of   young children.Interact with with parents   and communities with   warmth and tolerance and   to value them as important   partners in the   achievement of our set   goals and objective.




Doors open at 6 am and close at 5:30 pm. All children must be at crèche by 8:30 am to receive breakfast and can be fetched by 6pm SHARP.(No later)We accommodate children between the ages of 4 months to 5 years old with only 10 -15 kids per class to ensure your child gets as much one on one attention.We also offer Islamic based teachings where kids could learn surah and duas.We regret that lunch is not provided only breakfast




​​​Hair:   your child’s hair must be kept clean, combed and neat daily.Nails:  Short and clean at all times. No nail polish.Oral hygiene: teeth must be brushed every morning and evening. The crèche does not take responsibility of a child’s oral hygiene. This is the duty of a parent. 



​​All children must be washed daily and dressed in clean clothes and underwear. Your child’s bag must be cleaned regularly.





​We operate Monday to Thursday from 6 am to 5:30 pm, and Fridays 6 am to 4:30 pm. Parents who collect their kids later than the time that was provided  will be penalized with a fee of R10 every 5 minutes which will be added at the end of the month to the child's monthly fee.We are closed on public holidays and close at 5 pm the day before the public holiday. We do not close during the department of education’s school holidays; however we do close for the last week of June Holidays and December Holidays.Please note all fees must be paid in full including January and December to ensure your kid space is kept for the following year.  





We will be providing breakfast only. Due to children’s allergies I cannot accommodate each child with a different lunch. Parents need to provide a snack and a solid meal for lunch. Parents can send good leftovers from previous night supper.A healthy snack i.e. yoghurt, fruit, cereal bars, juice, biscuits, etc.Fridays we have sharing day so put in an extra treat for your child to give to his/her friend so they could learn the concept of sharing. Gas and energy drinks are strictly not allowed.





Parents are reminded that discipline starts at home.Privileges will be taken away as a consequence of bad behavior.Parents will be informed every time bad behavior has occurred and a way forward will be discussed. 





We do not allow anyone to pick up your child except for the authorized person. This person must be introduced to crèche staff in advance. If it’s a last minute arrangement you need to contact us and give us a few details of the person for us to identify them.





We prefer parents to keep all sick children at home. If your child requires prescription medication to be administered at daycare, a medication administration form will need to be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian. Children showing symptoms of measles, mumps, chicken pox, diarrhea and any contagious illnesses will be sent home and only allowed back when it has cleared.





Parents are to pay a registration fee of R200.A re-registration fee needs to be paid in December to confirm application for your child for the new year. All fees are R 1500 per month,Fees are to be paid in full at the beginning of the month for that month.Fees for January and December to be paid in FULL.  

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